Thursday, July 13, 2006

Are You Linking To Me?

I try to keep track of my stats to see who is linking to me, but I don't always catch everyone. A big change is coming to Blogging Away Debt, so please email me at bloggingawaydebt [at] yahoo [dot] com or leave a comment here if you are linked to me. I'll check out your site and probably provide a link back. As long as I find your blog informative and it isn't offensive then there's a good change I'll add it.

I read every blog on my blogroll at least weekly. I'm a little old fashioned and (cough) just click on my links to visit everyone's blogs. I know, I should get with the times and sign up to some feeds!


Anonymous said...

I've linked to your site!

BAD said...

Thanks! You just had that article about Flogz - that sounds pretty neat.

I'll be adding you shortly :)

NCN said...

Hey! I'm linked to you... twice...
via ncnblog AND the ncnnetwork site...


BAD said...

NCN - I proudly wear my NCN badge, and I'll be linking to your blog shortly as well.

Keep rockin' with the savings!

Anonymous said...

I'm linked to you too!

james1844 said...

Hey Tricia,

Been a while, I don't know if this message will reach you or not...I bought your site a while back. Wanted to see if you'd be interested in possibly coming back to the site?

